Why We Homeschool

One of the first questions that we get asked is why have we choosen to homeschool? Is it because of our own selfish reasons? Is it because we are "helicopter" parents? To simplify, we believe that homeschooling prepares our children for life in a way that public school cannot. Homeschooling not only covers the usual academics but as parent educators, we are able to play a direct role in preparing our children on how to handle the rest of the world later on. I'm not saying that we are better parents or that we love our kids more. All I'm saying is that this is our route to take. Whilst I have had my fair share of fun & wonderful memories of my school days, I cannot help but wonder if academically I could have done better if things had been done differently. This in mind, we decided on a customised education for our kids. One that keeps the family together more than usual. One that doesn't take hours & hours at a desk. One that bring us places, creates valuable experiences & allows us to become dream chasers instead of grade chasers.


Every child is unique in their own way. Some are great with the arts, others love numbers. Homeschooling gives them that freedom to come to terms with what their learning styles & pace is like. It gives them the flexibility to slow down with things they need more time with & likewise speed up when the need arises.


Do we think mainstream education gives us enough time for family bonding? Sadly, no. Kids spend an average of 6-8 hours away from home everyday (taking into account travelling to & fro, extra curricular activities etc), With another 8-10 hours gone towards sleeping (which by the way is absolutely essential for the physical, emotional & intellecticual growth), maybe another 2 hours for meals & cleaning, an hour or two for homework, a short time for rest & play, that leaves us virtually nothing left for family bonding. With homeschooling, every learning activity, every book they read, every picture they draw, is family time. Just because Daddy & Mommy are their teachers.


Don't get me wrong. we personally feel the schools are doing a wonderful job with instilling values & morals in our children. It's just that we feel that we can do an even better job. For the simple reason that we know our kids. We know exactly what they are like inside out. Formation years are the most crucial. It is the time our children grow their "roots". It is with this deep rooting to the ground that will enable them to grow the way they are supposed to. We feel this is nobody's responsibility but ours. Who else would God task with such an important role in a child's life?


Serious reasons aside, homeschooling is fun! You learn alongside with your child. You take field trips together, snuggle up with a good book together, have great laughs together. What could possibly beat that? Yes I'm a selfish parent. I would like to keep all these fun experiences with my child to myself!

That being said, we understand that everyone has their own views. Some poeple homeschool while others do not due to their own personal reasons. We are not here to pass judgement. Afterall, all parents want the same for their children - the best!

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