Lacing New Words

We do really simple learning activities at home. Nothing too fanciful or time consuming to put together. I prefer spending the extra time I have with the kids as compared to struggling with my laminator. One of the things Leah really enjoys doing is lacing. We started out with a simple animal lacing kit which she grew out of.

I managed to find a set of lacing alphabet in lower case! LOL to that just because most kids hate lower case. Haha! Anyway, this set is from the brand "Learning Resources". I use that to add on to reading activities. In this case, I picked a story, we read the story, talked about it abit. Then identified some new words, wrote them down in our word book then laced the words!

Enjoying everything reading & lacing related!

I like how we had to deal with ONLY lower case. Same goes for adults, we dislike the unfamiliar & so this mommy is on a mission to make her children really really familiar with lower case!

Of course she did not walk away remembering how to spell ALL the new words. What is enough for me is her acknowledging them, reading them, understanding their meaning. I know when she is ready they will flow out together with the rest of the words that she has picked up.

For me, the key is knowing what excites her. I try to excite her about everything learning related and in turn I make it my responsibility to convert it into something interesting & age appropriate. Fingers crossed that it will always work!

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