Letter to School-Going-Kids-Moms

Dear School-Going-Kids-Moms,

This is a sincere letter to you. Our decision to homeschool our kids is not meant to be a judgement to you. It is not meant to imply that you are doing less than us or that you are less committed. Heck, we sometimes envy you for being able to take time off away from your kids. God only knows how desperately we sometimes need a break from being asked 5000 questions a day.

We made the decision based on what we felt was best for our kids. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. We understand that school may be the best for your kids. And so, we have no right to judge each other. That being said, it also does not mean that our kids are better than yours. There are well behaved & smart homeschooling kids AND there are also plenty of well behaved & smart school going kids. You see it really isn't about the method of learning or teaching. It is about your mindset as a parent and/or educator. So please do not get all sensitive or self conscious with us homeschooling moms.

We are moms just like you. No greater and no worse.

We break down too and maybe even more.

We scream at our kids and we beg for breaks too.

We are THE SAME. So please, if we happen to talk just a little but more about our kids education, it is not meant to rub it the wrong way with you.

With this, we wish you all the best in your journey with your children.

P.S. We do not necessarily need to be on opposite camps. I believe there is plenty we can learn from each other. So, friends?

With Love,
A Homeschooling Mom

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