Sit Down Patience

I know eventually Leah would need to handle worksheets. At some point of time there is no escape. Lol. Two stages of her Primary education requires her to sit for formal examinations. One at Primary 4 which is the year she turns 10 & the other is at Primary 6 where she turns 12.

I don't feel worksheets are all that bad. I think the key is balance. Also it helps in cultivating "sit down" patience. When Leah turned 3, I felt that she was emotionally & cognitively equipped to learn how to control herself. We started with just ten minute blocks daily. Doing simple activities, reading, doodling etc. All while sitting at her little desk. 

Simple colouring activity on identifying colours. Plenty of awesome free printables online.

Letter recognition

Embarking on her first assessment book. Lucky her we can across a cut & paste activity which absolutlely delighted her. She actually surprised us with her level of concentration & so after a couple of weeks we were up to 20 minute blocks per session.

Doesn't every toddle just love cutting, tearing & pasting? 

This was more than a year ago. Right now at 4.5 years old, she is able to sit for at least 30 minutes & she absolutely loves doing worksheets. However we pace things out. At this moment, sit down time comprises of some worksheets, puzzles & table activities. Still learning as we go along - both of us. :)

"Have patience with all things,  but first of all with yourself".

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