Parental Empathy

A couple of weeks ago, I found out that Leah had been left out of a birthday party invite. Honestly, it stung me like a bee in my ass. She had no idea that that had happened but I did & I hurt for her. So bad. I sat down & thought about how to manage the negative emotions that were overwhelming me. Firstly I was glad that she does not know about it but then again, I have no idea if she will eventually find out. Sadly, hurting is very much a part of their development. Something we cannot hide from. The only thing I can do is teach her how to manage disappointment, get over it & move on. To accept that everyone is different, that people sometimes make decisions based on their situation & that the world is made up of nice & some not so nice people. 

When our kids hurt, we hurt. Sometimes when our kids don't hurt, we also hurt for them. That is the wonderful world of parental empathy. Leaves us fiercely protecting their little hearts. My dear babies, I cannot change the world for you but all I can do is promise that I will be right here for you. Always.

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