Birth of Our Children

Both my pregnancies were not easy rides. While other pregnant women glowed & basked in the sunlight, enjoying cravings, pregnancy photoshoots etc, I had to battle with pre-natal depression. I suffered extreme nausea right from the start of my pregnancy to the end. Ended up hospitalised from dehydration for a couple of days. I also remember being nausea even the day before I delivered Leah. I spent many many days of my pregnancy crying my eyes out. Worrying I might split open right up to my anus from pushing to hard. Worrying I might die in labour and my baby would end up motherless. I only survived it all because of my extremely patient and supportive husband - and God's grace.

The husband hired a pre-natal yoga teacher to do house-calls once a week & together with my yoga teacher, they taught me how to meditate. I braved through pre-natal depression because of this. And for that I will always be grateful to my yoga teacher - War War, who needless to say has now become one of my soul mates. :)

Looking back now, I know I have no right to complain or whine about my experience. God blessed us with two beautiful & healthy girls. I have also recovered really well from childbirth (no I did not split open up to my anus) & we are doing great as a little family of four. So really, who am I to complain? God is great & he has been really good to us. He continues to shower his blessings upon our family & is always ever forgiving of all the parenting mistakes we make.

I don't know of any other way to show him my gratitude besides taking special care of his little children, bringing them up to know him, love him & praise him. To speak his name often & become Christ-like (plenty of homework for the non-church going Mummy!). This learning journey to be honest, is as much mine as it is for the kids & I am grateful to God for giving me that ability.

Thank you God. For everything.

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