PIcking A Preschool Curriculum

In my opinion, the most stressful thing about homeschooling is picking a curriculum. There are soooo many choices out there that you end up with a fear of picking the "wrong" curriculum & basically screwing up your child's education. Alot also depends on which route you are taking - classical education or the unschooling method (more on these later). So, in my quest for looking for the "perfect" preschool curriculum, I had to stop & remind myself of why I decided to homeschool in the first place. I had to remind myself not to let curriculum choices overwhelm me & that really I am my child's best teacher. Curriculum is there to aid me & not to take over my role.

With that, I switched my search. I looked for something that suited Leah's learning style instead. For a preschooler at only 3, she was already pretty "defined". I knew straight away I needed plenty of books. After discussing with the husband, we decided on Sonlight. Sonlight's preschool curriculum is simply story based. Everything circled around the story you are reading.
 In actual fact, I think I started customising my own curriculum from the start. I used Sonlight's curriculum alongside with all the other books & activities that I had planned based on Leah's interest, learning style & really what makes her smile.

Our Sonlight teacher's guide that came along with the preschool set. Not very thick & with simple instructions alongside with each story.

Puzzles, music, crayons & not forgetting a nice little prayer book.

Our huge stack of books! Super excited when they arrived. 

This was a year ago by the way & we are STILL reading these stories. There are some awesome classics that you can never get tired of & everytime we read them, it feels different. 

At the end of the day, it is really about our children. Don't get overwhelmed by the curriculum choices. Pick the curriculum & don't let the curriculum pick YOU!

Happy learning everyone!

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