Beginning Thoughts

I never dreamt of having kids much less to become a stay at home mom AND homeschool! But oh well, God works in mysterious ways and I guess this is the path he has planned out for me. The path of motherhood.

Looking back at the past, it all seems so surreal. All those late nights of clubbing, getting drunk, and just basically having hell of a lot of fun with my friends. I don't regret any of those (maybe just some) just because I feel it has all played a part in preparing me to be the mother I am supposed to be (more on that later).

So anyway, this blog is to document. My journey with my little family. My babies and their education. Life is too short. One of my greatest fears as a mother is to die young and leave my children motherless. I've had this fear from the day I got pregnant right up to today. You could say this fear puts me on a rat race to love, educate and prepare my children for their life ahead without me (whenever that may be but hopefully much much later). God only knows when and I know he will handle the rest when that time comes. For now, the time is mine. And I will take what he gives me and give it my all.

"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing".

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